Fr. Edgar Schmeidler (1893-1963)
Father Edgar Schmeidler passed away June 8, 1963.
After ordination in 1918, Father Edgar taught at the Abbey School of Theology and served at Sts. Peter and Paul, in Seneca, Kan., for one year. He returned to St. Benedict’s College in 1922 and took a Doctorate in Sociology from The Catholic University of America in 1927. Father Edgar was appointed to work at the National Catholic Welfare Conference in 1931. “On loan” there for 25 years, Father Edgar was the Director of Rural Life Bureau and the Family Life Bureau. He authored many books and pamphlets on rural and family life as well. He retired in 1956, returned to the Abbey and later served as chaplain to the Ursaline Sisters in Paola, Kan. He is one of a handful of members of our community who died weeks before celebrating his Golden Anniversary of ordination. The others include Frs. Ortho Sullivan, Wilfred Fangman, Hilary Heim, and Terence Sullivan.