St. Benedict's Abbey Awarded Grant to Renovate Former Juvenile Correctional Facility

Abbey Partnering with First Steps of Atchison to Increase Childcare Services

ATCHISON, Kan., February 6, 2024 — On Friday, February 2, 2024, St. Benedict’s Abbey was awarded a grant totaling $4,999,999.00 to renovate the former Atchison Juvenile Correctional Facility located at 1926 N. 2nd St., Atchison, Kansas. The Capital Projects Fund Accelerator (CPFA) grant is administered through the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund and is intended to finance construction projects that increase the availability of childcare services, medical monitoring, education, and workforce training. St. Benedict’s Abbey, in partnership with First Steps Childhood Learning Center, submitted its application for the CPFA grant in mid-December 2023.

“The plan is to renovate the cafeteria and several surrounding buildings turning them into high-quality childcare facilities,” said Joshua Harden, Director of Strategic Initiatives at the Abbey.  “Atchison County has a recognized deficiency in childcare services. We hope to help alleviate some of that deficiency and make Atchison an easier place to raise families,” he continued. “We are thankful to the Kansas Children’s Cabinet and Trust Fund for the opportunity to make our community stronger for Atchison-area kids.”

St. Benedict’s Abbey purchased the property on which these facilities are situated at an Atchison County tax sale in April 2021. The vision for the renovation of the property, according to the Abbey, is not only to provide space for childcare but to work with other entities in the Atchison area that provide additional services for children and their parents.

Abbot James Albers, OSB, superior at the Abbey stated, “When we purchased this property it was our intent to find uses for the land and buildings that would benefit the City of Atchison as well as Atchison County.” Abbot James continued, “Our vision for this property is, of course, being good stewards, but more importantly providing facilities where God’s love impacts the lives of these young people. With the history of this property, we believe investing in the futures of children by partnering with First Steps is one of the best ways of stewarding this gift we have received while promoting the dignity of the human person.”

The history of the property is indeed storied. The first facility was constructed in 1887 as the State of Kansas opened the Soldier’s Orphan’s Home for the children of Union soldiers and sailors who served during the Civil War. In 1909 the mission of the orphanage changed to receiving all orphan children and was renamed the State Orphan’s Home. Name changes would happen again in 1943 and 1955 to Kansas Children’s Home and Kansas Children’s Receiving Home respectively. From 1965 to 2008 the facility served as a youth correctional home; it is during this time that the current buildings to be renovated were constructed.

St. Benedict’s Abbey will begin renovation of the buildings on the property this spring with the goal of First Steps Childhood Learning Center providing childcare services beginning in late spring 2025.  For updates on the First Steps with Abbey project please go to and follow the links.     

St. Benedict’s Abbey is a Catholic, Benedictine monastery in Atchison, Kan., founded in 1857.   Benedictine monks take vows of stability, obedience, and conversion.  The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison have a mission of education and pastoral services.

Contact: Joshua Harden