Resources & Contributions

386 Total Oblates since 2001

As of July 1, 2023

46 Oblates in Formation

24 States

462 Prisoners We Write

125 Prisons

171 Oblates in Prison

Everything I have, Lord, is yours

All that I am depends entirely on you:

    my strength, my health, my ability to think, reason, remember, my moods and my sanity;

Were it not for you, I would be nothing –

    nothing more than a ball of complaints, anxieties, fears and passions, with no hope.

Please help me to always see that all I am, that all I do, that all I have – is nothing apart from you.

Thank you for continuing to guide me to live in your divine plan,

    for patiently enduring my failures, missteps and shortfalls,

    and for never, ever fiving up on me – event when I am ready

    to give up on life and even myself.

Thank you for the friends in my life that sharpen my wit,

    Challenge me to grow and allow me to share the love you have placed in my heart.

You are greater than all my imaginings –

    I praise and honor you and humbly pray that, in some small way,

    My life brings you glory.

I love you. Amen