Fr. Fabian Harshaw (1906-1969)
Father Fabian Harshaw passed away February 1, 1969.
Father Fabian Harshaw was a lively person and full of mischief. As a teacher at Maur Hill be was noted for practical jokes such as electrifying the metal band that ran around the edge of the counter in the Raven Roost or firing a pistol loaded with blanks near some unsuspecting persons. He carried this disposition into the Army Air Force for three and one half years during World War II with a bomber squadron in Britain, and to the parishes he served at Purcell and Everest. At Maur Hill he was a teacher, counselor, theatrical director, and coach.
Father Fabian was born in St. Louis but came from Notre Dame, Ind., for his fourth year of high school studies and on graduation from Maur Hill entered St. Benedict’s College, graduating from there in June 1930. By that time he had made simple profession July 2, 1927 and was ordained May 21, 1932, in Atchison.
The last paragraph of his death notice relays: “The merry spirit he knew as a young seminarian, lasted through his Benedictine lifetime. He enjoyed life and he shared his warmth with students, soldiers and parishioners. He was hospitable.”