Fr. Raphael Moscinski (1935-1994)
Father Raphael Moscinski passed away October 29, 1994.
After transferring to the community from the Sylvestrine Congregation in October 1975, Father Raphael served the community well as chaplain at Benedictine College, pastor at Effingham and Purcell, as well as at Hiawatha until his death in 1994. After graduation as a Sylvestrine from St. Benedict’s College with a degree in Latin he did theological studies at the Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, the international Benedictine university in Rome. He also did graduate studies in liturgy at Notre Dame and did serve the Sylvestrine community in Oxford, Mich., as subprior for a time.
Father Raphael, as is noted in his death notice, was much appreciated by parishioners and students. His love for travel was legendary!