Br. Aloysius Schraeder (1902-1956)

Brother Aloysius collapsed at breakfast.  Brother Walter Landwher, no small man, picked him up in his arms and carried him to the room next to the first floor recreation room, then occupied by Father Francis Broderick, where he died of a heart attack.  Brother Al had been a monk 19 years and made his first vows in 1936. 

Most of Brother Al’s monastic life was spent doing farm work in the river bottoms, raising potatoes across the river at a rented plot in Missouri, repairing machinery, running the sawmill, maintaining the Few Drop Inn, a little well kept shack where the brothers ate their lunch.  Brother Al was one of the “farm brothers” such as Leo, Walter, Robert, Louis, Raymond and others; great men all.  At their passing and the departure of some of the younger brothers a visible change in the outward expression and spirit of the monastic life in our community changed.


Fr. Germain Kuckelman (1899-1974)


Fr. Vincent Kreis (1878-1931)