Support the Abbey this Fall
Thank you for reading the Abbot’s letter inviting you to support the annual funds of St. Benedict’s Abbey! Below, you can use the donation form to submit your one-time or recurring gift to our One Mission, One Future Fund, which will be used for our areas of greatest need.
Or you can select from one of our seven Talentum Account funds on the right to direct your gift to the works, activities, and apostolates of the Abbey that most align with your philanthropic goals.
Support the
One Mission, One Future Fund
Use the donation form below to direct your gift(s) to our area of greatest need,
or read through our targeted funds at right
and click through to the donation page of your choice.
Talentum Account Funds
The monks’ living expenses, the costs associated with their call to work and prayer, and the activities of the cloister or daily assignments, are deposited into the Monastic Life Fund.
Our healthcare services, retirement planning, and security projects provide for the future health and safety of monks of every age. St. Benedict’s Abbey is also blessed to have an infirmary where our eldest brothers can live out their vocation with their monastic family to the end. Gifts earmarked for these needs are deposited into the Faithful Servant Fund.
Even before a man enters the monastery, the Abbey invests in helping him discern the call to a religious life. Once fully professed, all monks continue to be formed as spiritual leaders and, for some monks, as priests. The costs of our vocations program, studies for the priesthood, and lifelong formation and discernment, are designated for the Good Shepherd Fund.
The Abbey serves many apostolates, and monks partner with Catholic-affiliated ministries in numerous ways. Education, family support, chaplaincies, parochial service, and more, are just a few of the many ways in which the Kansas Monks work in the world without being of the world.
In today’s world, the Church’s evangelizing mission has expanded into new frontiers of digital outreach, audio-visual production, and producing traditional media with new technologies. The Kansas Monks have embraced communications strategies that allow them to practice the vow of stability from their small-town Abbey while bringing the message of Christ to the world. Contributions to advance this work are deposited into the Good News Fund.
The capital needs for maintaining, modernizing, and enhancing the Abbey church, cloister, guesthouse, and campus constitute an investment in the future generations of monks who will live and repose here. The monks of today are stewards of a patrimony that they have received and wish to ameliorate for decades and even centuries to come. Gifts to support that end are deposited in the Abbey Restoration Fund.
When a donor would like to designate a gift for a specific expense not categorized into one of the funds above, or when the Abbey identifies an out-of-the-ordinary need for a special project, those contributions are deposited into the Great Commission Fund.