The Miracle of St. Scholastica
How did a miraculous storm deepen the spiritual bond of St. Benedict and his twin sister? As we celebrate the memorial of St. Scholastica on February 10th, get to know these Saintly siblings in this narrative adapted from The Dialogues of St. Gregory the Great.
One day, St. Benedict’s sister, Scholastica—who had been devoted to God since childhood—came to visit him at his abbey, as she did once a year. Benedict, accompanied by some of his monks, met her at a small guesthouse near the monastery, and they spent the day talking about spiritual matters and praising God. When evening came, they shared a meal, continuing their holy conversation.
As night fell, Scholastica asked Benedict to stay and keep talking with her until morning, discussing the joys of heaven. However, Benedict refused, insisting that he needed to return to the monastery because he was not permitted to stay away overnight.
The sky was perfectly clear as Benedict declined her request, but Scholastica, deeply saddened, folded her hands on the table, bowed her head, and began to pray. Almost immediately, a fierce storm broke out—lightning flashed, thunder roared, and torrential rain poured down, making it impossible for Benedict and his companions to leave.
Realizing what had happened, Benedict said to her, half in frustration, “God forgive you, sister, what have you done?” Scholastica calmly replied, “I asked you to stay, and you wouldn’t listen. So I asked God, and he heard me. Now, if you can leave, you are free to go back to your monastery.”
Since the storm prevented him from leaving, Benedict stayed the night. The siblings spent the time in deep conversation about spiritual matters, encouraging and uplifting each other.
This incident shows how Scholastica’s prayers brought about something even Benedict couldn’t accomplish. Out of love for her brother and longing to spend more time with him, she turned to God, whose love responded to her faith and devotion. Because she loved more, she could do more.
The next day, Scholastica returned to her convent, and Benedict went back to his monastery. Three days later, as Benedict was praying in his cell, he looked up to heaven and saw a vision: Scholastica’s soul ascending to heaven in the form of a dove. Overwhelmed with joy at her glory, he praised God and shared the news with his monks.
Benedict then sent for her body and had it buried in the grave he had prepared for himself. In this way, even in death, their bodies remained together, just as their souls had always been united in God during their lives.