support the abbey this advent

Dear Friend in Christ,

 Thank you for reading Abbot James’ letter during this beautiful season of Advents. As we prepare our hearts for the joy of Christ’s birth, we are reminded of the longing for the divine that stirs within us.

 It was in the stillness of the night that the Magi noticed a new star, because humanity always gazed at the stars in search of meaning. They followed that star, not knowing exactly where it would lead, but trusting that it would bring them to the greatest mystery of all: the birth of the Savior.

 At St. Benedict's Abbey, we strive follow in the footsteps of the Magi who journeying in faith in order to find Christ Child. As we receive from the Lord, we seek to share that heavenly light with the world. And it is with that same spirit of faith and trust that we ask for your support.

 Will you make a gift today to help us on that journey?

 Your donation this Advent will be deposited in our One Mission, One Future Fund. The monks rely on your generosity to carry out our mission of carrying the light through work and prayer. Please, use the embedded donation form to submit your gift.