Fr. Regis Hickey (1917-2008)

Frank Hickey came to St. Benedict’s College from Chicago, Ill., in 1935 from Mount Carmel High School.  He had begun a career in journalism even then when he wrote a sports column for The New World, the Archdiocesan newspaper.  At St. Benedict’s he headed the College News Bureau and directed publicity activities.  After graduation with a degree in English, he continued these newsgathering activities with the Catholic Register System of Newspapers.

During World War II, Frank served in the 340th Bombardment Group of the 12th Army Air Force in North Africa, Sicily, Italy and Corsica.  He was discharged in 1945 with the rank of Technical Sergeant.  A year later Frank joined St. Benedict’s abbey and received the name of Regis.  His first profession of vows was September 21, 1947, and he was ordained to the priesthood December 21, 1950, after theological studies at the Abbey.

Upon ordination Father Regis began a long and varied career as assistant prefect of scholastics at St. Benedict’s College, assistant pastor of St. Benedict’s Church in Kansas City, Kan., Chaplain and instructor at Lillis High School, Kansas City, Mo.  From 1954-1960 Father Regis was Director of Publicity and English instructor at St. Benedict’s College.  He served as counselor, administrator, and chaplain at Camp St. Maur from 1948-1952.

To sharpen his journalistic skills Father Regis studied at Northwestern University the summers of 1954 and 1955.  He also received a Master of Science in Education counseling from Emporia State University (Kansas State Teacher’s College) in 1971. 

Beginning in 1961 Father Regis served as the stateside procurator/contact person for the Abbey Mission in Brazil.  He began the publication, Kansas Monks in Brazil, the forerunner of Kansas Monks, the Abbey’s magazine. 

During this stint, and in the years 1967-1978, Father Regis served as the Vocation Director of the Community.  Typical of his attitude even in what were lean years vocation-wise, he devised a vocation brochure for the abbey entitled, “Men of Hope.”

On January 1, 1981, Father Regis became the Chaplain for the Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica.  He served the large community for many years and was succeeded by Father Benjamin Tremmel.  Father Regis then became the Chaplain at the Dooley Center (infirmary) chapel at the Mount.

Not one to let his priestly ministry become dormant, Father Regis involved himself in the Faith, Hope, and Charity Charismatic Group in Atchison.  He also dedicated some years toward being a Hospice Chaplain and was a frequent visitor to the Atchison County jail.

Father Regis loved his community of St. Benedict’s Abbey and spoke of it, its members, and its leaders in a consistently positive manner.  He was tireless in serving the works of the community and within the Atchison Community.  He had a great sense of humor that was disarming.  

Once after being rather berated by a confrere with a short fuse for not grasping the import of a problem, Father Regis replied with a twinkle in his eye and a smile, “Thank you, Father, for tolerating my simple mind.”  The confrere simply sputtered.  Absent-minded at times, as we all can be, Father Regis appeared to be mindful most consistently of the charitable presence of God.


Abbot Owen Purcell (1931-2013)


Abbot Innocent Wolf (1843-1922)