Fr. Columban Clinch (1903-1968)

Father Columban Clinch passed away September 14, 1968.

Verni Clinch was born in Kansas City, Kan., in 1903 into a Baptist family but became a Catholic at age 32.  He became acquainted with the Abbey community when he met Father Victor Gellhaus who helped at St. John’s, Lawrence, Kan. Verni was a student in history at The University of Kansas.  

World War II interrupted his academic career as he served in Italy in the United States Army Air Corps, becoming battalion Sergeant Major and Master Sergeant.  While in Italy he was president of the Student Government at the University of Florence.  Verni returned to KU and finished a doctorate in history in 1950.  His dissertation was on a facet of the French Revolution.

Verni became Frater Columban July 11, 1951, was ordained June 4, 1955, and began a career as instructor and professor of history at St. Benedict’s College until his death on September 14, 1968.  His students revered him as a teacher.  He died while serving temporarily at the Church of the Nativity, Menlo Park, Calif.  He once preached a parish mission there that was so popular that he was asked to return many times.  A Mass was offered in Menlo Park previous to his funeral liturgy here at the Abbey. 

Father Columban gathered many friends and confreres around him as he often shared the varied aspects of his life.  Not able to work in the garden because of his other assignments, he regularly grew red, hot, chili peppers in pots in his room.  Sometimes he brought a pocket full to the refectory, relished eating them, and shared them with his tablemates.


Fr. Boniface Moll (1908-1989)


Fr. Henry Lemke (1796-1882)